The Bachelor in Clinical Optometry course at BVDUMC School of Optometry follows
all the recommendations of Indian Optometric Association and World Council of Optometry.
The syllabus for the Bachelor of Clinical Optometry (B.Optom.) course aims at preparing
a primary health care professional, an “Optometrist” who can independently undertake
- Estimate refractive errors of the eye and prescribe corrective measures including
Spectacles, Contact Lenses, Low Vision Aids and Vision Therapy.
- Detect pathological conditions of the Visual system, which are deviations from normal.
Diagnose ocular and related systemic and neurological diseases and refer the cases
to other medical professionals for detailed medical and surgical management.
- Design, manufacture, prescribe and fit all kinds of Optical aids including Spectacles,
Sunglasses, Ophthalmic lenses, Contact Lenses, Low Vision aids.
- Examine, diagnose and prescribe treatment for Oculo-motility malfunctions like phorias,
tropias and other types of strabismus (squint) and Neuro-muscular anomalies.
- Undertake Public Health Optometry projects and vision screening eye camps in schools,
colleges, urban slums, rural areas and also practice occupational Optometry in industries.
- Public education on ocular hygiene and related nutritional and environmental counseling.
- Offer a helping hand and or efficiently manage and successfully run any Ophthalmic
clinic, Eye department in hospitals, Optician shops, Optical, Ophthalmic industry
& trade.